& Much More !

Your next move is up to you!

We offer over 18 Google Spreadsheet Templates for the full range of most Small Business and Personal Bookkeeping and Accounting needs. The largest and most complex is the Bookkeeping Module, which is what this website is about, BUT that is but one of many templates we have to offer for FREE with FREE Education too.

Empowerment 1-2-3's

You are at Empowerment-3.

We suggest you read the entire Empowerment 1-2-3 Series before digging into more details. As a Community Conscious individual, you would need to be proficient as an End User first for your own personal finances or that of a Small Business, and it would help if you were then proficient enough to stand in as a Coach, Consultant or Educator BEFORE you started organizing things at an even far Grander Scale. The nice part about this, is that you too can rise to the top in a matter of weeks or months with this material, as it's just not that dense anymore. Thankfully. It took a long time to water it down, but it's finally there and it's ready to roll. This is a massive decentralized Community effort. Help make it a winner.

https://empowerment-1.zap-accounting-software.com Empowerment for End Users

https://empowerment-2.zap-accounting-software.com Empowerment for Coaches, Consultants and Educators

https://empowerment-3.zap-accounting-software.com Empowerment for Communities

After that you may find some of our other sits in our Empowerment Series to be interesting (or you may just want to get on with the Education or Software).

Empowerment 4 our Commercial Groups of Wonder!

https://empowerment-4-cpas.zap-accounting-software.com Empowerment for CPA's
https://empowerment-4-technology-clubs.com Empowerment for Technology Clubs
https://empowerment-4-techies.com Empowerment for Techies
https://empowerment-4-educational-institutions.com Empowerment for Educational Institutions

and many more coming soon...

FREE Basic Education

https://bookkeeping-abcs.zap-accounting-software.com/ - Meet the 4 Step Bookkeeping Process

https://www.zap-accounting-software.com/overview.html - Education Resource Overview

FREE Technical Documents and Support

https://bookkeeping.zap-accounting-software.com/ - for the Bookkeeping Module specifically